Sunday 14 January 2018

Its Only Jan


Hey there, so far i have already chose my higher nitec course and it is at central... I just hope i get into PASSANGER SERVICE SO BAD. Hopefully i just got into central because it is year 2. The result date is end of feb which means it is nearing to my freaking birthday. It is okay i just hope and pray that i got into Passanger service year 2😐😐. Just hope nothing but the best. 

Recently, i dont know what is wrong with me. There is lots of problems coming and i felt quite pissed about it. I just felt unfair in life eversince last year incident about studies. Furthermore now it is about a person that i love. I felt unfair. He felt jealous if any guys chatted with me on phone or either follow some hot ang moh on IG. Little did he know that one of my guy friend wanted to meet me but i told him that nah itsok. However, this love of mine, didn't told me anything about his 'FRIEND' cakap je la girl bestfriend ape yang susah? That one point of time, he told me that he met his sec friends which i thought lelaki je la. Abeh dengan pompan eh.😑🙍 . Dia ingat aku bodoh tak tau pape la. What the fck i know everything. I just realised that he have lots of '' girlbestfriend  '' pe mepek pundek? Oh kau boleh? aku tk le la. OH OKAY. Nice. Beh that time dia cakap one of his friend apply license beh aku ingat laki la check check ppm. MM ok. That is why dia tak pakai phone sangat kat luar. LOL kmk. Aku tak kisah laa. Aku pon boleh la bobal ngn banyak laki. Isap suah la sial. I told him everything what i did ok. Like who talked to me and all. But he didnt told me anything. Nice. LIFE IS UNFAIR.
He didnt even told me that have a girlbestfriend till i found out by my fucking self? Nice. Tell me what im i suppose to feel? I keep finding out things that i shouldnt suppose to know. fck it ok? He is like so protective over his phone? like kimak lek ah sial. That is why i dont bother telling him anything about my life. Let him think. Aku penat ah. I dont know why but aku rase mcm aku bodoh bilang dia pasal hidup aku? I should stop.Aku malas. Why dont you tell me straight that it is your bestfriend? ape susah nye bodoh? I just felt so unfair. Tak pernah satu sen pon dia bilang aku. i just felt really unfair. Beh dia mcm tak kasi aku pakai too revealing? Abe dia suke n like ppm pakai bikini all that? 


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